Our Pastor

The vision for Heart and Soul came from Pastor Austin in 2010 as a freshman in college. After serving at his dad's church, SoulQuest, for 5 years post-college, the Lord released Sara and Austin to start a brand new life-giving church in Knoxville in the midst of the global COVID pandemic. Heart and Soul was launched in-person on September 20, 2020.

Austin and Sara were married in 2014 after meeting in college. They have 3 kiddos, Cash, Sadie, and Kobe.

Our Directors

Annie Hayes is our Director of Ministries. She oversees all our Ministry Coordinators. Including Guest Services, Parties, Outreach, and Kids. 

Tryston Hayes is our Creative Director. He oversees our Production, Creative, and Worship.

They’ve led at Heart and Soul since before the church began as our Worship Leaders, a part of the Launch Team, and just about anything needed!


 Are you a Pastor?

Are you a pastor creeping around the website? It’s okay, we do it too ✌️

We’d love to share any resources or systems that we have with you and your team. Our team is available to connect with your team to get you anything we have. Any way we can be of use or of help to you is our pleasure. We don’t know everything, but what we do know is that we’d love to share if it would be helpful for the Kingdom!